Filing a Claim

Should you experience a loss, your claim will set our team of aviation experts into high gear. We're here to help!

In the Event of Loss

Recommended On-site Procedures:
  • Secure help, render first aid, and arrange medical attention for the injured.
  • Preserve the integrity of the accident site for the investigators: make sure the aircraft will not be disturbed until properly released by the FAA or NTSB.


You should secure records relevant to the aircraft and flight crew. These should include:

  • Aircraft maintenance records
  • Pilot and training records
  • Operations manuals
  • Flight Plans
  • Available Forms

To submit a claim please contact us directly. 847-235-2491


Contact us for a free quote today!   847-235-2491

Need Help?

Wenk Aviation Insurance, LLC


900 North Shore Drive, Suite 109, Lake Bluff, IL 60044

Telephone: 847-235-2491

Fax: 847-235-2559